How to Register
We are happy to register new NHS patients within our catchment area.
Registration Medical
Once registered, make an appointment with our nursing team for a registration medical.
We invite all our new patients to see one of our practice nurses or our health care assistant. This appointment enables us to collect medical information before your medical records arrive. It is also the start of screening for other medical problems. Normally, you will need to complete a registration medical before seeing one of our GPs.
New patient registration forms
New Patient Questionnaire – Adult New Patient Questionnaire – ChildAfter you have completed these forms please attend the surgery with 1 form of photo ID and 1 proof of address, dated within the last 3 months. Please do not attend when you are in a hurry as we may need some time to go over the forms with you.
Acceptable proof of address; council tax letter, tenancy agreement, mortgage agreement, bank statement, driving licence, passport, birth certificate etc.
Acceptable photo ID; passport, driving license, identity card.
If you do not have any proof of address please discuss with our reception team. This will not prevent your registration.
Registration Medical
If you are over 40 please book an appointment with one of our Health Care Assistants for a new patient health check. This appointment enables us to collect medical information before your medical records arrive from your previous practice. It is also the start of screening for other medical problems. If your medical history is particularly complex our HCA will book you a follow up appointment with a doctor.
If you are on any regular medication please ensure you have received sufficient amount from your previous practice before registering, as we may not be able to issue a repeat prescription immediately.
Overseas Visitors
For Guidance on overseas visitors please please visit GOV.UK for further information.
Temporary Residents
If you are not registered with a doctor but need to see one, please telephone the surgery.
For further information visit: NHS Choices – How do I register as a temporary resident with a GP?